Jul 2, 2016
The United Nations Environment Program says that resources are a factor in 40% of all organized armed conflicts, but only 15% of peace agreements even mention them.
Today, we examine the role that carbon finance – especially REDD+ (reducing emissions from degradation of forests, plus other land uses) – can play in helping (or, if bungled, hindering) the peace process by stifling the use of blood diamonds and other conflict resources.
Guests include:
Canadian Environmental Consultant Art Blundell
Liberian Environmental Campaigner Silas Siakor
Saw Frankie Abreu, Director of Myanmar’s Tenasserim River and Indigenous People’s Network (TRIP NET)
Colombian Vice Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Pablo Viera Samper
Kerstin Canby, Director of the Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance program at Forest Trends
Accompanying panel discussion: https://www.norad.no/en/front/thematic-areas/climate-change-and-environment/oslo-redd-exchange/oslo-redd-exchange-2016/streaming-osloreddx/